Business Relationship Management

The software allows you to manage your business relationships from a single module. Store information on payers and carriers, employers, brokers, UR vendors, MCO networks, clearinghouses, and vendors you do business with. This module allows you to capture contact responsibilities, multiple contacts over time, multiple addresses over time and web site logins and passwords (if applicable).

The software allows you to link these organizations together via Employer details. Over time you can tie a client to multiple:

  • Brokers
  • Products
  • UR vendors
  • Access Fees
  • TPA's and Carriers
  • Account Reps
  • Group numbers
  • Employer Subsidiaries
  • Network configurations
  • Contacts and their responsibilities
More Details

Client Quoting/Geo-coding

MCO Pro comes with its own geo-coding/spatial analysis module built right in. Perform a geo-study for a prospective employer groups employee data against a networks:

  • Reproduce any report/letter anytime
  • Ability to geo-code using many mileage increments
  • Customizable Quote letter to your specifications
  • Track, follow up and reconciliation of quote status
  • Rich analysis reports to your prospective clients and their representatives
  • Ability to geo-code against Primary Care Physicians, Specialists, OB/GYNs, Pediatricians, Hospitals, etc.
  • RFP Analysis tools:
    • Tax ID disruptions
    • Tax ID and CPT/HCPC analysis tools
    • Projected Savings by state, county, zip code, 3 zip or MSA (Metropolitan Service Area)

MCO Pro gives you the tools to quote, track, and follow up on every quote your sales department produces. Add your own quote letter to the system and standardize your quoting process.


Provider File Extracts

Automate your provider file extracts to your clients. MCO Pro comes complete with extract processes, FTP site capability and extract options for each data recipient including:

  • Demographic data only
  • Flat file or relational file data extracts
  • Demographic data with fee schedule information
  • Track, follow up and reconciliation of quote status

The process is automated and FTP capable, which allows you to experience significant savings in:

  • Postage
  • Labor to perform the extract(s)
  • CD or other physical media expense
  • Labor to transmit the extract(s) either via email or US mail

The module also gives you the freedom to extract on demand with any of the settings outlined.